What does your P&C do?
The Parents and Citizens' Association (P&C) is a great way of getting to know what’s going on at your school. To be involved is the best way for the community to be a part of the planning and growth process of Western Suburbs State Special School, thereby making a positive contribution into the education of our children.
The P&C manages a fundraising program including grant applications, Mother's and Father's Day stalls and Easter and Christmas raffles.
Our P&C meets 6 times a year on a Wednesday Night at 7.30pm in the main school office building with every second meeting being held via ZOOM. Meeting dates are advised in the school newsletter. Meetings are usually finished by 9pm and include regular presentations by the Principal, Heads of Curriculum (with curriculum news), and staff. All are encouraged to attend these meetings at least once or twice a year, though greater involvement is also possible for those who wish to engage more actively in the decision making processes.