Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is a whole-school framework that promotes positive behaviour across a school and helps schools develop safe and supportive learning environments for students and staff.
Schools which implement the PBL framework make sure all students are explicitly taught the expected behaviours and establish clear and consistent boundaries. Staff take a proactive, preventative approach to ensure all students receive the appropriate level of support to help them to be successful at school. Student outcomes are monitored so any identified students can receive additional support when needed, and a minority of students can access intensive support to enable them to engage successfully at school.
Positive Behaviour for Learning - WSSSS
What is Tier I Support at WSSS?
Tier 1 systems, data, and practices impact everyone across all settings. They establish the foundation for delivering regular, proactive support and preventing unwanted behaviours.
Tier 1 emphasizes prosocial skills and expectations by teaching and acknowledging appropriate student behaviour. Teams, data, consistent policies, professional development, and evaluation are essential components for these practices to work effectively.
The core principles guiding Tier 1 PBS include the understanding that we can and should:
• Effectively teach appropriate behaviour to all children at WSSS
• Intervene early before unwanted behaviours escalate
• Use research-based, scientifically validated interventions whenever possible
• Monitor student progress / using a Student Engagement Plan
• Use data to make decisions

The PBL Triangle—The green area represents Tier 1 that supports all students at WSSS.