If a student becomes ill at school every effort will be made to contact a parent or carer to advise them. They will then be asked to make arrangements to collect their child.
Please view the QLD Health Time Out policy (PDF, 168 KB) for information on exclusion periods for infectious conditions.
Please ensure that the school is advised of any changes to phone details or emergency contacts to ensure that a suitable person is always contactable.
Western Suburbs State Special School follows strict Education Queensland procedures for the administration of medication in school. Parents and carers are asked to ensure these requirements are followed so that medication can be given safely. The school must keep a record of any form of prescribed or over the counter medication that is administered to students at school, or while students are involved in a school approved activity.
Before any medication can be administered to your child at school, please read and follow the Administration of medications in Queensland state schools information for parents/carers and health practioners, as well as completing the Consent to administer medication form.
Medication will only be administered if it is prescribed, in the original container and has a pharmacy label. If the medication is more complex with specific administration requirements then a letter from the medical practitioner should be provided.
Both the letter and/or the medication container must state:
- the current date
- the patient’s name
- the name of the medication
- the dosage
- how it is to be given (oral - by mouth etc)
- when- how many times a day and at what time
Non-prescribed oral medication such as analgesics - Aspirin, Panadol, ear drops etc. will not be administered by teachers or other persons on the school staff unless it is accompanied by the above documentation.
If your child suffers from any medical condition which requires special treatment e.g. allergies, please inform the school of the nature of the condition and emergency treatment and any applicable health plans. An Action Plan is required for conditions such as Anaphylaxis and Asthma.
Should you require any further information regarding the administration of medication in our school, please contact the deputy principal or principal.